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Western Plant Health’s Commitment to Safety Confirmed, DPR Report Shows No Harmful Pesticide Levels in Air Samples
A recent report released by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), the 2023 Air Monitoring Report, found that pesticide concentrations in high-use areas ...
2023 Air Monitoring Report Confirms Success of California’s Pesticide Management System
The Western Plant Health Association acknowledges the 2023 Air Monitoring Report from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR). The report found no detectable ...
The Environmental and Safety Benefits of Pesticide-Treated Seeds
Pesticide-treated seeds are revolutionizing sustainable agriculture. Pesticide-treated seeds offer a groundbreaking approach to plant growth, focusing on environmental benefits and worker safety. ...
Sensible Pesticide Policies Needed for Invasive Pests
California's agricultural sector, a cornerstone of the nation’s food supply, faces significant threats from invasive pests and diseases, which endanger crops, ecosystems, ...
Navigating California’s Pest Control and Public Health
California's agricultural industry is a cornerstone of the nation's food supply and a testament to the state's rich natural resources and farming ...
Addressing America’s Food Insecurity
In the United States, families are increasingly worried about the rising food costs and the growing hunger problem. A recent survey by ...
Washington Post: Fresh Fruits and Veggies Are A Prescription for Better Health
Have you ever thought about fruits and vegetables as medicines? Yes, you read that right! In a fascinating initiative by Bread for ...
Tiny Weed Threatens California Tomatoes
California's tomato industry, which supplies 95 percent of the nation's processed tomatoes and a significant portion of the world's crop, faces a ...
When Science Beats Political Science
In a victory for science and free speech, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has upheld an injunction that ...
The Constant Battle Against Invasive Pests and Diseases in California
California's agriculture is under constant attack from invasive pests and diseases. These non-native organisms, be it plants, insects, diseases, or microbes, pose ...
6,001 Wildfires in California in 2023
As of October 10, 2023, there have been 6,001 wildfires in California. In a recent study published in Nature, Patrick T. Brown, co-director of ...
Parts of California Are Under Quarantine For Invasive Fruit Fly
In July 2023, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) placed parts of Los Angeles County under quarantine for the invasive ...
NASA Spots Wine Grape Disease From The California Sky
Pests represent a considerable risk to food production, economic loss, and environmental harm. By leveraging technology, growers can implement pest management practices ...
Western Plant Health’s Environmental Responsibility
In response to the historically disproportionate impact of environmental pollution and degradation on communities of color and low-income communities that are often ...
Pesticide Treated Seeds
Farmers are the original environmentalists. In keeping with their long tradition of protecting the land for future generations, California farmers are increasingly embracing ...
Las enfermedades y plagas nocivas pueden devorar plantas y árboles
El Servicio Forestal de EE. UU. informó que 36,3 millones de árboles murieron en California en 2022 debido a sequías, enfermedades e ...
La ciencia no espera a nadie
California puede tener las leyes más estrictas y las políticas ambientales más completas de la nación, pero nuestras empresas miembros se dan ...
Un problema de justicia social pasado por alto: la inseguridad alimentaria
California es la cuarta economía más grande del mundo, pero increíblemente tenemos casi 3,6 millones de personas que padecen hambre a diario; ...
Los beneficios sociales de los nutrientes vegetales
Los nutrientes de las plantas, como los fertilizantes, pueden traer beneficios ambientales cuando se usan de manera ambientalmente responsable. Estos nutrientes pueden ...
Cultivando hábitos saludables en nuestra comunidad – El Comité de subvenciones para jardines selecciona a los beneficiarios de las subvenciones de la primavera de 2023
El programa Garden Grant brinda a los estudiantes un aprendizaje práctico sobre cómo se cultivan los alimentos. Ellos aprenden a cultivar, cosechar ...
Harmful Diseases and Pests Can Devour Plants and Trees
The U.S. Forest Service reported that 36.3 million trees died in California in 2022 because of drought, disease, and insects. In 2021, ...
Science Waits for No One
California may have the strictest laws and most comprehensive environmental policies in the nation, but our member companies realize that we can’t ...
Growing Healthy Habits In Our Community – CFF Garden Grant Committee Selects Spring 2023 Grant Recipients
The Garden Grant Program provides students with a hands-on learning at how food is grown. They learn how to grow, harvest and ...
The Social Benefits of Plant Nutrients
Plant nutrients such as fertilizer can bring environmental benefits when used in an environmentally responsible manner. These nutrients can improve a plant’s ...
In Case You Missed It: With CalEPA’s Pesticide Plan, Aspirations Collide With Budget Constraints and Government Inertia
Agri-PulseBrad HookerFebruary 1, 2023 CalEPA’s Department of Pesticide Regulation has unveiled new goals for eliminating or significantly reducing the use of controversial ...
An Overlooked Social Justice Issue: Food Insecurity
California is the 4th largest economy in the world, but incredibly we have nearly 3.6 million people facing hunger on a daily basis ...
California’s Tech-Savvy Farmers are Building More Sustainable Agriculture Through Innovation
The art of farming may be thousands of years old, but California farmers are hardly traditional as they continue to embrace the ...
Western Plant Health Applauds Veto of California Assembly Bill 2146
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sept. 29, 2022 Western Plant Health Applauds Veto of California Assembly Bill 2146 Governor Sticks to Sounds Science in ...
Governor Needs To Continue Trusting Science on Complex Policy Matters – Not Politics
By Renee Pinel Imagine if Congress – instead of the Centers for Disease Control – had been able to determine public health ...
A Move to Limit Pesticide Use Would Be a Mistake
By Renee Pinel, Special to CalMatters Earlier this year, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation initiated the first step in making new rules to ...
Pesticide Use in Agriculture By Kassandra Gutierrez of ABC 30FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) -- On this Earth Day, we're diving deep into the use of pesticides ...
Pesticides Help Control Invasive Species and Protect the Unique Biodiversity of California
California’s leadership in promoting diversity extends well beyond society and also to the biodiversity of the state’s environment. The Golden State is ...
Using Advanced Fertilizers is Helping to Fight Climate Change
For centuries, keeping farmland in production has been critical to the economy and our nation’s food security system. But increasingly, the State ...
Healthy California Farms Combat Climate Change
You don’t need to tell farmers about the whims of Mother Nature. They face it every day, and climate change is making ...
OTHER VOICES: The facts about pesticide safety.
Recently, I have read several articles in The Californian in which people are expressing their desire to know the “facts” and “science” ...
Loss of California Farmland Threatens Climate
California farmers don’t need a lecture on climate change – for several years they have confronted the challenges of growing their crops ...
Time to Break Stereotypes of California Farmers
Among the many lessons learned from the trials and tribulations of 2020, it has been our ability to change and adapt that ...
Thanksgiving is a Time for Urban Residents to Connect with Their Food and Those Who Grow It
A quiet trend we’ve seen over time has been the migration of Americans to urban areas, which have seen a 12 percent ...
Amid pandemic, California farms reflect society’s most basic needs, values
This guest column in the Ventura County Star makes an excellent point – that California farmers are among the most innovative and ...
How global food safety protects the planet and begins on the farm
More than 600 million people around the planet suffer from food-borne illnesses each year and 3 million die from it – that ...
Advocate: Preserving farmland could help the climate
Perhaps the most underappreciated aspect of California farming is how our growers protect the planet by keeping land in production – in ...

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