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Why Join?

By becoming a WPH member, you gain:


A Voice

A voice in shaping the direction of our industry and protecting it from hostile laws and regulations in California, Hawaii and Arizona.


Deep connections

Deep connections with allied groups and industries that provide business opportunities for you.


Educational programs

Educational programs that include seminars, workshops, conferences, training sessions and other events designed to keep you abreast of the latest trends, technological advances and policy issues related the environment and worker safety.

Benefits Enjoyed By Members

  • Access to a wide range of proprietary resources to help you understand and comply with new regulations and laws.

  • Regular updates on industry issues and events.

  • Facetime with elected officials and regulators.

  • Opportunities to participate in stewardship and community outreach programs.

  • The chance to collaborate with such prestigious federal groups The Fertilizer Institute, CropLife America and the Agricultural Retailers Association.

  • Media training and support.

  • Ability to attend and participate in industry committees, events and the WPH’s popular annual conference – typically held at a popular destination.


Become a Member Today

WPH would love to have you as a member.


Already a Member?

Is it time you step up your game?  The best way to realize WPH’s values and benefits is to become an ACTIVE member. How about joining a committee? Contacting an elected official? Participating in one of WPH’s many events or seminars? Don’t be shy contact us today.

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